Monday, October 27, 2014

Nigerians Launch World First Agric e-Commerce Website

"FarmBaskit" is a Nigerian brand owned by a group of four young fresh graduates; Alabi Olayinka, Dada Stephen, Agubaohia Henry and Adeyemo Adeola. It is an agro distribution company started in 2014 with the aim of developing the capacity of food distribution channel in Nigeria and Africa, revolutionize agriculture by blending the process with technology and modern mechanism, and also create more jobs by encouraging young people to go into farming in a more dynamic way. The four friends who met on Dada Stephen's CEOS HUB, came together to brainstorm on how to get people to eat fresh foods from the farm which will enable better health condition and lifestyle of people in a way that will be unique and outstanding. This was how the idea of the incorporation of FarmBaskit Limited as a duly registered company which would have the legal right to operate in Nigeria came to life. The team immediately discovered a wide gap between the lifestyle of poor farmers and the rich market retailers, this motivated the company to come up with a strategy to enrich the farmers and make life easier for them. Before now, farmers in remote rural areas always succumb to the challenge of bad road networks which makes it difficult for them to convey their harvests to the market. This gave room for exploitation from people who have access to the developed world, hence having to buy from them at ridiculous prices and sell at exorbitant rates in the cities. The FarmBaskit team came up with as the world's first "strictly agricultural eCommerce website" where people can order for fresh farm products from the comfort of their homes and it gets delivered to their doorstep. FarmBaskit hopes to be a house hold brand, not only in Nigeria but in the entire continent of Africa. The coy is currently recording a daily growth in capital and local sales.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Plantain Plantation in Nigeria and it's Benefits...

You might be wondering why i am starting my blog posts with agricultural discoveries in Nigeria, well yes i am because the greatest discovery so far about Nigeria is that agriculture is the future of Nigeria. Agriculture was the source of Nigeria's wealth in the pre independence and independence epochs before the discovery of crude oil, permit me to say that corruption became prevalent since the period of oil discovery in Nigeria which has brought us to this point. Nigeria can become the richest country in the world with just agriculture which is about 1% fraction of the natural resources Almighty God has blessed Nigeria with. We need to look inwards and see the inbound riches of our nation, the solution to joblessness, unemployment, under employment and the frustrations in this country. Well, today i will be talking about THE GOLDMINE IN PLANTAIN PLANTATION Plantain and banana are widely cultivated in the southern and middle belt regions in Nigeria. The annual local production outruns the demand. Being a highly perishable food item, substantial quantities rot away in a short period after harvest. When the rains start which signals the commencement of planting, the plantain farmers plant at the same time. They harvest at the same period and flood the markets with the product. After a short while, the product soon becomes scarce where much rots away due to unavailable technology for conversion for a longer shelf life. The solution is to process the fruits into a powdered form which can be packaged and stored for a longer time without spoilage and wastage occurring. The natural flavors in the powdered form can also be utilized in industrial food processing. Foods and drinks such as cakes, ice creams, yoghurt and custard are flavored to enhance their taste. The flavors are imported into Nigeria and are synthetic, therefore not as good as the natural flavors in banana and plantain powder. The natural flavors can be imparted into other foods. There is a readymade market within and outside Nigeria for banana and plantain powder. Nigerians in the diaspora, who are looking for businesses to do in Nigeria can look into the aspect of setting up a suitable processing technology to convert banana and plantain into powdered form. The benefits are many to the farmers and to the economy. When the planting season commences, at the start of the rains, the improved variety sucker costs about N120.00 to N150.00 per sucker even from official sources. The demand for the improved variety sucker is high. Investment Costing STAGE 1: Cost of renting 1 acre of land for 2 years/24 Months (@ N2,500 a year ) N5,000. STAGE 2: Cost of renting tractor Plough@ N7,000 (or less @ N3000 from govt but this takes time to get) STAGE 3: Cost of buying 1,000 double bunch Plantain suckers @ N150 each is N150,000. STAGE 4: Transportation of suckers to farm, estimated is N10,000 STAGE 5: Cost of Planting 1,000 suckers at N15 per stand is NN15,000 STAGE 6: 1st -5th Weeding @ N30,000. STAGE 7: Purchase of Manure/Fertilizer, Transportation & Fertilizer Application @ N25,000. STAGE 8: Irrigation, Security, Harvesting, Transportation@ N20,000. STAGE 9: If you buy an acre of land in oyo state (N45k/N50k per acres). Optional, say N50,000 TOTAL= N262,000. + Land N50,000 + miscellaneous 50,000 = N362,000 At harvest you will get 2,000 bunches, if you sell at give away price of N800 each, you will have N1.6Million and 3,000 New Suckers. By 2nd -3rd year this Plantain Farm may expand to 2 or 3 Acres if seed suckers and proceeds are reinvested. With a Projected Return On Investment ranging between N1Million and N4Million by 3rd year if expanded.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

CASH FROM PAWPAW PLANTATION – In just 6 months after planting by Gbenga

Pawpaw is grown almost anywhere in all parts of the country and loved by most people. It is a highly perishable fruit, large quantities rot away in a short period after harvest. With the advent of fruit juice companies in the country, the need to grow pawpaw in commercial quantities has come, so that the fruits can be available all through the year. This will also stop or reduce the use of concentrate flavor that most juice producing companies now use instead of the normal raw fruit extract. The flavors are imported into Nigeria and are synthetic, therefore not as good as the natural flavors in pawpaw powder. Pawpaw plantation will give rise to the new wave of farming called contract farming. You as a businessman can also go into processing into powdered form and sell or dry to produce dry fruits which can be supply to food producing companies. Or sell packaged dry fruits when those fruits are out of seasons & expensive to buy. Contact Gbenga: 08182355047 for improved variety pawpaw seedlings that start to produce at 4 months old and produce all year round for 2 years only, send email to To see pictures or it can be send to you on whatsApp: 08182355047. If you buy our pawpaw seedlings, you will get a FREE ebook on PAWPAW BUSINESS. Hybrid PLANTAIN SUCKERS & MELON are also available Papayas fruit all year round, as long as the weather is warm enough. Keep them happy and they will keep fruiting. (If the temperatures drop too much they stop flowering. They will flower again as it warms up.) Young papayas are the most productive. The older a papaya plant gets, the weaker it becomes. It will produce less and smaller fruit, and it may get problems with diseases. Also, because the plants keep growing taller it gets harder to reach the fruit but the hybrid are not so. Please use hybrid pawpaw not wild plant. I think it's best to just keep planting more. Put in another patch every few months. That way you always have some healthy and productive plants around, and you don't need a ladder to pick the fruit from our hybrid pawpaw plant. Investment Costing STAGE 1: Cost of renting 1 acre of land for 2 years/24 Months (@ N2,500 a year ) N5,000. STAGE 2: Cost of renting tractor Plough@ N7,000 (or less @ N3000 from govt but this takes time to get) STAGE 3: Cost of buying 1,000 improved variety pawpaw seedlings that start to produce at 4 months old and produce all year round for 2 years only, @ N250 each is N250,000. STAGE 4: Transportation of seedlings to farm, estimated is N10,000 STAGE 5: Cost of Planting 1,000 seedlings at N15 per stand is NN15,000 STAGE 6: 1st -5th Weeding @ N30,000. STAGE 7: Purchase of Manure/Fertilizer, Transportation & Fertilizer Application @ N25,000. STAGE 8: Irrigation, Security, Harvesting, Transportation@ N20,000. STAGE 9: If you buy an acre of land in oyo state (N45k/N50k per acres). Optional, say N50,000 TOTAL= N362,000. + Land N50,000 + miscellaneous 50,000 = N412,000 NB you can just buy 500 seedlings for a start and at maturity set up a nursery to raise seedlings to expand your farm We also have 8 acres of land close to river in Ikire just less than two hours from Ibadan, oyo state close to river for sale with document very good for farming at N65k per acres . If you want we can manage the farm for you.. At harvest you will get minimum of 20 pawpaw fruits on a tree which will give a total of 20 X 1000 = 20,000 fruits , if you sell at give away price of N40 per each fruit, you will have N800,000 (40 X 20,000) in 6 months after planting. Since the pawpaw fruit all year round it becomes a regular source of income. And XXXX,000 New Seedlings. By 2nd -3rd year this Pawpaw Farm may expand to 2 or 3 Acres if some seeds and proceeds are reinvested. With a Projected Return On Investment ranging between N1Million and N3Million by 2nd year if expanded. Transplanting Seedlings The soil must not be waterlogged. Remove the nylon from around the roots before planting. Take care not to injure the roots or damage the root ball as it is removed from the nylon. Pawpaws typically will be sparsely rooted and have a long brittle tap roots. Plough and harrow the land site and plant the seedlings in holes of 15 cm —20 cm deep and 2 x 2 m spacing. Fertilizer application Apply 50 g of NKP 15-15-15 per plant , 3 weeks after transplanting and at monthly intervals up to 6 months after transplanting. Optimum yields have been obtained using 45 g N/plant and a 1:2 N: P ratio. However, application rates should be based on soil test results in order to make maximum use of the fertilizer application. Weeding Weed control is very important especially during the first 3 months after transplanting. This may be achieved by hoe weeding, slashing at monthly intervals , or by the use of the herbicide Paraquat glyphosate at 4—6 or 3 kg active ingredient per hectare. Irrigation Dry season irrigation is important for pawpaw. For newly transplanted seedlings, apply 3 liters of water per plant twice a week, For flowering plants, apply 5 litres twice a week, and for bearing plants apply 15 liters of water per plant once a week. Intercropping Intercrop pawpaw, planted at a spacing of 2 x 2 m, with early maturing plants like okra, leafy vegetable, melon, sweet potato, or sweet corn. These plants should mature within 3 months or poor yields will be obtained due to shading of pawpaw canopies. Contact Gbenga: 08182355047 for improved variety pawpaw seedlings that start to produce at 4 months old and produce all year round for 2 years only, send email to To see pictures or it can be sent to you on WhatsApp: 08182355047. We have 8 acres of land close to river in Ikire just less than two hours from Ibadan, Oyo state close to river for sale with document very good for farming at N65k per acres. If you want we can manage the farm for you. DO YOU HAVE INTEREST, INVESTMENT CASH BUT NO TIME, THEN WE CAN SET UP THE FARM & ALSO MAINTAIN THE FARM AT A FEE

Monday, April 7, 2014


Nigeria is a great nation with great resources and potentials, i grew up in Nigeria and i have been able to discover that the greatest talents in the world are Nigerians. Yes we might not have good leadership now, but we can achieve the Nigeria of our dreams by first believing in ourselves. That is the reason why i have set up this blog to promote the Nigerian inventors, brands, talents, products, ideas, researches and inventions. you can also give me information about your products and ideas by sending the information to It's free. I hope to inspire you with the information you come across here. God bless Nigeria! Welcome.